My current gripes with it

1 - If you put their default javascript on your page, inevitably your site will take forever to load while it waits for the data from TTLB’s servers. Not everyday - - but a high percentage of the time. So, you fix it by putting up a alternative script to keep it from hanging so much, your site could be removed from the ecosystem, completely.

2 - The stats aren’t accurate and waiver from day to day. And I’m not just talking a ‘little waiver’ - I’m talking one day your rank is #500 and 24 hours later your rank is #3987 and 24 hours later your rank is #1530 and the next day #6875, you get what I mean. A friend of mine once emailed TTLB asking about this enormous daily variance and the reply was this : “I guess you aren’t as popular as you think you are.”


3 - One of my own blogs has been removed from the ecosystem. Why? I have no clue. I’ve emailed in serveral times to find out what the deal is. No reply. Then I used their handy dandy shiny new help desk system and submitted a ticket. I recieved a reply email saying I’d hear back in no less than 24 hours. That was on 10/23 - to date, I’ve not recieved a response back. At all. Another friend of mine used their support ticket system to submit a simliar request - a month later, no response.

I do realize that the TTLB service is offered for free. And NZ Bear does a lot of good in promoting blogs, and heavy issues that matter. I just have to ask - why put up a support ticket system if people can’t get any answers there? Why not just say: “This is a free service. We’re not actively suppporting any trouble tickets at this time due to time constraints” or something like that?

I don’t know - it was once a fun thing to check the stats and see how my blogs, and other blogs I like, were doing. Now, as far as I’m concerned, the ecosystem can take a flying leap. To me, at least the ecosystem stats portion of it, it’s not considered a valid blog resource anymore.

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